Exciting, Daunting, and Almost Impossible to Master.


Crisis, Scandal, or Operational Disruption — They can bring an organization to its knees. These high-stakes moments are when leadership matters most. ARE YOU READY?

“Crisis leadership is not for the faint of heart nor the uninitiated, and it’s certainly not for the unprepared.”

Mike Barger
Renowned Expert on High-Stakes Leadership

Significant organizational disruptions are increasingly common in a fast-moving, constantly evolving business environment. Regardless of your industry or the size of your organization — whether you lead inside a Fortune 1000 company, a university, a nonprofit organization, a small business, or a start-up — challenges lie ahead. The better you prepare, the better you (and your stakeholders) will fare.

Stakeholder Audit: How Well Do You Know Your Stakeholders?

Every organization has valued stakeholders. Understanding the unique needs and perspectives of your various stakeholder groups is the first critical step in managing a crisis (or preparing for one). With so many stakeholders to consider, it can be easy to neglect them, forgetting their unique needs and perspectives, but in times of crisis, neglect can translate into further catastrophe. Download Mike Barger’s Stakeholder Audit to help you and your team assess your stakeholder groups and begin the necessary discussion on how to better understand and engage each in both good times and bad.

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Meet Dr. Mike Barger

High-Stakes Leadership Speaker, Consultant, and Author

Dr. Mike Barger is many things to many people:

Above all, Mike Barger is a leader you should know. He has excelled and inspired in leadership positions at high-profile, high-flying, high-stakes, and high-tech organizations, and now teaches and inspires audiences, clients, students, and readers about what it really takes to lead people and institutions through a major crisis. Learn from Mike about how to prepare for and lead through the most perilous and unforgiving circumstances, and how to survive and thrive against all odds.

High Stakes Leadership in Turbulent Times

Heralded as “a wonderfully instructive book” by the Global COO of PepsiCo, Mike’s 2021 book, High-Stakes Leadership in Turbulent Times: Why Stakeholders Are Your Greatest Assets … in Good Times and Bad, takes you inside the leadership decision-making of major corporate crises and teaches you to step up and lead when your stakeholders are counting on you most.

“High-Stakes Leadership in Turbulent Times is an illuminating and unique book on leadership in crisis — a book in which Mike Barger draws upon his extensive military and businesses background to untangle complex leadership theories to offer digestible, real-world applications. Mike has made it his life’s work to develop these ideas and to inspire seasoned and aspiring leaders through his nuanced and engaging insights. This book should be essential reading for all leaders — in organizations big and small — who want to be prepared for managing uncertainty.”

Jennifer Sherman
President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Signal Corporation

Listen. Learn. Lead.

Get started now with crisis-management insights and strategies from Mike Barger.

Mike is a sought-after speaker who instructs and inspires audiences of all sizes — from conference keynotes to classroom lectures, and from leadership retreats to webinars.

Take Mike’s insights and support beyond the theoretical and motivational to the personal and practical level by inviting him to facilitate a training program, interactive workshop, or crisis-preparedness exercise for your corporation or association.

Organizational leaders — seasoned and aspiring alike — have unique opportunities to take their high-stakes leadership skills to the next level through professional development experiences with Mike.

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